Sunday, December 11, 2011

my winter wonderland

 Happy December, y'all!

I know I've been promising to post pictures from all my summer activities, but that's not going to happen for a while. It's almost Christmas, and right now it just seems appropriate to talk about Christmas-y things.
{ After the holidays I will be in summer-mode again and will most likely need to post things about summer (maybe it will make summer be here sooner?!) }

I may have mentioned earlier how much I hate cold weather, which is a completely true statement. But, I won't say that I hate winter, because that's not really true. In fact, these are some things I enjoy about winter.....   - Buying holiday-flavored coffee drinks - Decorating for the holidays
- Spending extra time with family and friends - Cooking and baking for holiday meals
- Christmas movies - Looking at Christmas lights - Cuddling - Skiing  - Holiday parties
- Christmas break (yea, teachers get 2-3 weeks off!) - Shopping  - Making a Winter To-Do list

Speaking of to-do lists, B and I made an epic list this year. It's been pretty fun completing it. Here are some pictures of the things we've done so far.... (I haven't figured out how to make my pictures look artsy and cool yet because I hate figuring out technology).

* Making dinner together. PW style, duh.
                                                                  * Drinking hot cocoa.  

* Decorating B's two trees

* Making a homemade gingerbread house. FYI, gingerbread is not easy to make from scratch. It was quite the fiasco...
* Royal icing for the gingerbread house.... perfect for sticking candies to the house!

* The gingerbread house.... notice the chimney with Santa!

* With the tree  *Hot cocoa

 * I can't take credit for the lights on his house, but I DID help light the tree in his front yard! We are proud, not gonna lie. 

As I figure out how to put the pictures in order and make them look cool (I'm sure it's really easy), I'll post more of our winter activities. I know you're on the edge of your seat waiting with excitement.

Being a cold-weather-hater, I find it much more enjoyable to have fun things like this to look forward to. In case you need inspiration, some other things on our list include- watch Christmas movies, volunteer, buy Angel Tree gifts, go Caroling, bake, play in the snow, make peppermint bark, wrap gifts, make ornaments, hot tub, go to a parade, etc.....

I found my gingerbread house recipe and pattern here: 

 Somehow, mine ended up looking like this...

[[ See above for our final project. Although the pieces look disgusting, the outside of the house 
looks absolutely magical! ]]

Speaking of "magical", I went to the PAC today to watch the Nutcracker Ballet with mom, grandma, and Aunt P. Mom and I have been going since I was about 6 years old, bringing along special guests almost every time. It's so fun for us- getting dressed up, going downtown, watching the ballerinas in amazement,  the music, the scenes, the ballet outfits, the Nutcracker.... I just love it! I don't know why I never took ballet as a child, but I should have. I'm sure I'd be a great ballerina...?

 How do they do it?! I really wish I could dance like this, but we all know my dancing skills are lacking.

Countdown to Christmas: 14 days!

Enough said.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Ok, I'll admit it... I'm not a very good blogger. Sorry. I'm just too busy to blog everyday (or maybe I just forget/fill my time with other things). Either way, here I am again. I'm sad to say that I do not have pictures  ready to post- I hate reading blogs that don't have pictures, I think they're so boring! So, no worries, you'll see some great pics soon! ;)

Since it's THANKSgiving week, I thought I would reflect on all I have to be thankful from this past year of crazyness...
  • God's love and forgiveness every day.
  • The chance to have my first real teaching job.
  • Family and friends who supported me when I decided to quit my job and go to culinary school.
  • ... and then supported me again when I realized culinary school wasn't the best decision of my life. 
  • Teachers who call in sick so I can have a substitute job everyday.
  • My boyfriend who is simply the best! (I'll refrain from getting mooshy-gooshy).
  • Wonderful friends who are supportive, encouraging, and love me for who I am.
  • "Friends" being on Nick@ Nite every night (even though I own the DVDs!).
  • A car that works, has heat and air, and hasn't broken down yet!
  • The opportunity to take trips to visit family and friends in Colorado, Texas, and Wyoming.
  • The chance to go on my first Caribbean Cruise- best time ever!
  • Food, shelter, clothing- so many people don't have these simple luxuries.
  • My soft, fluffy, evil kitty.
  • Life Church & Life Group
  • Knowing how to cook, bake, sew and craft- it's so fun! If you want to learn/be a grandma like me, I'll teach you.
  • Becoming an aunt :)
  • Hot weather over the summer.
  • Ways to stay warm during the cold months.

I'm so excited for the holidays to start (they really help me get through my hate of cold weather)! My favorite part of Thanksgiving is cooking and baking all the food, as well as spending time with family and friends. No matter how many people we have over, there always ends up being too much food, which is excellent because left-overs are the best. This year, I'm going to B-ville for an early dinner Wednesday, then we're having people over to my parent's house Thursday. Then, B, J, and AM are coming on Friday for a few days. And my college friends will be in town! Lots of excitement all around.

This holiday season, I encourage you to.... spend quality time with friends and family. Open your home to someone who may not have anyone to spend the holidays with. Volunteer at a food shelter or donate to those in need. Buy gifts for an Angel Tree child/family. Watch holiday movies. Make a fun "Winter To-Do list". Relax. Don't get caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping, buying gifts, and spending too much money (people will still love you even if you don't buy them $1000 worth of gifts). Remember the reason we celebrate Christmas.

What are you thankful for this year? How do you plan to spend the holidays?

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!